Chapters in edited collections
- Coward-Gibbs, Matt. 2022. Why Don’t We Play Pandemic? Analog Gaming Communities in Lockdown. In: Lashua, Brett., Corey W Johnson and Diana C Parry (eds.). Leisure in the Time of Coronavirus: A Rapid Response. London: Routledge. [reprint].
- Coward-Gibbs, Matt., and Bethan Michael-Fox. 2021. Sexual Encounters Between the Living and the (Un)dead in Popular Culture. In: Gibson, Rebecca and Jay VanderVeen (eds.). Monstrous Males/Fatal Females: Gender, Supernatural Beings and the Liminality of Death. Maryland: Lexington Books.
- Coward-Gibbs, Matt. 2020. Some Games You Just Can’t Win: Crowdfunded Memorialisation, Grief and That Dragon, Cancer. In: Coward-Gibbs, Matt (ed.). Death, Culture and Leisure: Playing Dead. Bingley: Emerald.
- Coward-Gibbs, Matt. 2020. Death ≠ Failure. In: Coward-Gibbs, Matt (ed.). Death, Culture and Leisure: Playing Dead. Bingley: Emerald.
Journal articles and essays
- Coward-Gibbs, Matt. 2021. Why Don’t We Play Pandemic? Analog Gaming Communities in Lockdown. Leisure Sciences 43(1-2).
- O’Neill, Maggie., Ruth Penfold-Mounce, David Honeywell, Matt Coward-Gibbs, Harriet Crowder and Ivan Hill. 2020. Creative Methods for a Mobile Criminology: Walking as Critical Pedagogy. Sociological Research Online 26(2).
- Coward-Gibbs, Matt. 2019. Critical Spelunking of Casual Toxicities: Patching Gaming Culture. Information, Communication & Society 22(14).
- Coward-Gibbs, Matt. 2018. Of Demons and Drama: Ritual Syncretism of Sinhala Exorcism and Forum Theatre. Journal of Global Buddhism 19.
- Starkey, Caroline., and Matt Coward-Gibbs. 2018. Translating Buddhism and the Politics of Ownership: Between Asia(s) and West(s). Journal of Global Buddhism 19.
- Coward, Matt. 2016. Religious Flows and Ritual Performance: East Asian Interpetations of Shakespearian Tragedy. Paranthropology 7(1).
- Coward, Matt. 2015. Capturing Spirituality: A Photo-Elicitation Study with Two British Neo-Pagans. Paranthropology 6(1).
- Coward, Matt. 2014. The Witch from His-Story to Her-Stories: Changing Contexts. Paranthropology 5(3).
Selected book reviews
- Video Games and Horror: From Amnesia to Zombies, Run! (Dawn Stobbart). Fantastika.
- Death Makes the News: How the Media Sensor and Display the Dead (Jessica M Fishman). Canadian Journal of Sociology.
- Spirits without Borders: Vietnamese Spirit Mediums in a Transnational Age (Karen Fjelstad and Nguyễn Thị Hiền). The Pomegranate: International Journal of Pagan Studies.
- Mors Britannica: Lifestyle and Death-Style in Britain Today (Douglas J Davies). Mortality.
- Buddhism, the Internet and Digital Media: The Pixel in the Lotus (Gregory Price Grieve and Daniel Veidlinger, eds.). Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture.
- Deathpower: Buddhism’s Ritual Imagination in Cambodia (Eric W Davis). Mortality.
- Bonds of the Dead: Temples, Burial and the Transformation of Contemporary Japanese Buddhism (Mark M Rowe). Buddhist Studies Review.